We reluctantly let Spencer go anyway to Lake Powell. He was there one day and ended up in the ER in Page. His leg with the bruise blew up like a balloon. They were fearing Compartment Syndrome. Ike and I drove up to Page and picked Spencer up and brought him home. He was so sad to leave.
So for the next few days Spencer was being carefully watched as Ike and I left for California for a seminar we had scheduled. By Saturday his leg with the bruise had gotten severe. Hunt had Spencer go to Cardon's Children's Hospital so he could open up his leg and drain the blood that has pooled so terribly. All this happen while Ike and I were in California. I was dying not being able to be there with him. Here are a few pictures from the procedure. Be prepared some are pretty graphic.
Spencer had been recuperating on the couch for two weeks when he then had to go in for sinus surgery which had been scheduled all summer. He did pretty good with it.
Then to top off an already crazy, miserable month Spencer had to get his wisdom teeth taken out. This was again scheduled all summer. At least this was in efforts to get ready to do Spencer's mission papers at Christmas when he comes home from college.

Spencer insisted on texting right after he woke up. It was hilarious he kept trying to touch the screen above the letters and was getting frustrated that it would not type. Not too mention he didn't know how to spell anything so none of it made sense. We were all laughing.
So it has been a crazy month for Spencer. He is still on the mend and wanting so much to get back to work. So please Spencer no more drama. Lets get you healthy and back on your feet. Spencer leaves for college in one month. Hang in there Spencer!